
Simultaneous interpreting is an oral translation mode that occurs instantaneously by covering the speaker's voice through a system of on-site soundproof booths with consoles for two interpreters and receivers for the audience. It can also be whispered into the ears of one or more listeners seated close together, in which case it is called CHUCHOTAGE.
Another simultaneous interpretation mode is REMOTE INTERPRETING, which occurs when participants are in different rooms and communicate online by means of a special platform. For REMOTE SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING I can use the following platforms: Ablioconference, Clevercast, KUDO, Interactio, Interprefy, ipDTL, LiveVoice, Rafiky, Translit, Verspeak, Voiceboxer, ZipDx, Zoom. I can also use the traditional simultaneous interpreting service to produce real-time subtitles of my interpretation.

Consecutive interpreting is an oral translation mode in which the interpreter translates one or more sentences at a time immediately after the speaker, using a note-taking system similar to shorthand, in front of an audience, at a table of experts, or online remotely.
For REMOTE CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING I am available on the following platforms: Ablio, Boostlingo, Cadence, Google Meet, InterpretersPortal, Microsoft Teams,
Skype, Veasyt Live, Voyce, Zoom.

Liaison interpreting is the oral translation of dialogues for business negotiations in trade fairs or in social, medical, legal settings, etc.

Live captioning means the production of live, real-time captions in the same source language (intralingual mode); live subtitling means the production of live, real-time subtitles in another language (interlingual mode).
In respeaking, the respeaker listens to the speaker through a headset and simultaneously summarizes/repeats the speech to a speech-recognition software, which writes the text in the computer. At the same time, the respeaker corrects and transforms the written text into subtitles through special software.
Translation is the transposition of a written text from one language to another.
Transcription is the written rendering of an audio or video in the same language or from one language to another.