Past assignments




Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the 18th International Congress of ELIS and ICU Being, appearing and communicating: entertainment and happiness in a multimedia society, Conciliazione Auditorium (Rome)

Business interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the International Sport Trade Fair, International Congress Center of Munich

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Presentation of European projects on the Common Agricultural Policy of ALPA Nazionale, Province of Rome

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the International Congress of CIPSI Walking Africa for awarding the Nobel Price to African women, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Business interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the World Time Market Congress on food and agriculture of Intertrade / Chamber of Congress of Salerno, Savoy Beach Hotel in Paestum (Salerno)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the transnational Forum of European Alternatives Recognize our marriage! Mutual recognition of existing same-sex marriages and civil partnerships across the European Union, Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the European Forum of European Alternatives Income, Commons, Democracy, occupied Valle Theatre (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Agorà transeuropa Forum of European Alternatives on income, democracy, LGBT rights and information pluralism, occupied Valle Theatre (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the Congress of the president of Stryker International Mr. Xavier Berling, company headquarters in Formello (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 53rd FEST Congress of ANGAISA Evolution of the crisis in Europe and the sanitary and heating wholesale trade, Parco dei Principi Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Congress Joan of Art: Towards a free education in cooperation with European Alternatives, MACRO (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 88th World Congress of Detectives (WAD) of GM Academy, Hilton Cavalieri Hotel (Rome)

Liaison interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) for the immigrants of the Social Cooperative Integra, Hospital in Fondi (Latina)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Green Network Congress for the presentation of the company balancesheet, NH Vittorio Veneto Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Congress of the Italian Institute for Infectious Diseases Spallanzani Innovation in infectious diseases, Capo d'Africa Hotel (Rome)

Tour simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) during a Pilgrimage for the spiritual renewal of the Franciscan Sisters of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother (Rome, Castel Sant'Elia, Assisi, La Verna)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference for the presentation to EMSA of the NMSW prototype by the Italian Coast Guard (ARGES project/CE Directive 2010/65), Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Trenitalia training session on Calypso technology by Spirtech, Cavour Congress Center (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the annual Meeting on the budget and minutes of the Congregational Council of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the beginning-of-year Speech by the CEO of a multinational company in the aerospace sector, company headquarters (Rome)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the technical Workshop of the Italian SUMP Watch for Mr. Mans Lindberg of the European Commission, Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea Protection

Whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the MEWA meeting on transport fleet management (Lauenburg, Hamburg)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the technical Workshop of ISPRA / NOISE ADCO / Italian Ministry of the Environment (CE Directive 2000/14), NH Leonardo Da Vinci Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German) and consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian / Italian-English-Italian) of Mediaset TV Programme Tú sí que vales, Titanus Elios Studios (Rome)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) for Mr. Josè Alberto Rino of the European Investment Bank, Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports

Business interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the Meetings of Trenitalia and Stadler, Trenitalia headquarters (Rome)

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference of Fiadda Onlus Raising the achievement of all learners in inclusive education subtitled with respeaking, Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research

Whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the Meeting of the Congregational Council of the Sisters of Divine Providence (Rome)

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference of Fiadda Onlus Financing policies for inclusive education systems subtitled with stenotypy, Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of NASA press conference on the latest scientific discoveries (live streaming)

Consecutive and simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference of the Order of Architects of Rome Invisible Architecture, Temple of Hadrian (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of UK's parliamentary debate and statement by Prime Minister May on Brexit (live streaming)

Simultaneous interpreter (French-Italian) of SIDO (Showroom de l'Intelligence Des Objets) international Event (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Kemon's international Training for hairstylists, Solidani Academy (Rome)

Sworn interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Civil case on anti-money laundering, Civil Division of the Court of Rome

Simultaneous interpreter (French-Italian) of the French presidential Debate Le Pen-Macron (streaming)

Simultaneous interpreter (French-Italian) of the Speech by Le Pen and the President of the French Republic Macron after the elections (live streaming)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of ANAS workshop Good practices of Roads and ITS along the ScanMed Corridor with the European Commission, company headquarters (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of Intermonte's group meeting with Telecom and UBS, Parco dei Principi Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Courses and Seminars in the legal field, International Police School (Caserta)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the British general election exit polls (live streaming)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the Queen's Speech at the State opening of UK Parliament (live streaming)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 6th Congress of REbuild Italia 2017 Off-site building: innovating building renovation and management, Congress Centre (Riva del Garda, Trent)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of the medical Workshop of a multinational pharmaceutical company (Milan)

Simultaneous interpreter (German-Italian) of the Interview to the German journalist Katarina Render on the shipwreck of October 11th 2013 (over the phone)

Sworn interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Civil divorce case, Civil Division of the Court of Rome

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of EUFORES Workshop Opportunities and challenges of the European Energy Union - Renewable energy and energy efficiency in Italy, Senate of the Italian Republic

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German) for a Driving licence exam (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian / Italian-German-Italian) for Teleshopping of jewels and gemstones (live streaming)

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the cultural Event Camposud - A visionary camp. Gramsci project subtitled with respeaking, Teatro Massimo (Cagliari)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German) of Canon LFP Partner Event 2017, Hilton Cavalieri Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the Speech by British Prime Minister May on Brexit in Florence (live streaming)

Simultaneous interpreter (German-Italian) for the German parliamentary Elections: speeches by the winning candidates Merkel, Schulz and Weidel (live streaming)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of TOP-IX Meeting on interconnections and the Internet of Things (remote)

Whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German) of Artego's international Training for hairstylists "The Globe 2017", Marriott Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of Autostrade per l'Italia Major Works Committee Meetings, company headquarters (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the medical Convention of Bruno Farmaceutici on obesity, The Church Palace Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of EASO Practical Cooperation Conference on Pakistan, Courtyard Rome Central Park (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of The Space Cinema's board of directors Meeting, company headquarters (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 2nd National Conference on Primary Healthcare 2017 of the Italian Higher Institute of Healthcare Studies G. Cannarella From services provision to patient's empowerment - The active participation of all actors, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the final Conference of the European project Across Lombards Lands Lombard heritage for all - Accessible itineraries and tour packages in the territories of the ancient Duchy of Spoleto and in Slovenia, Monumental Complex of San Nicolò (Spoleto, Perugia)

Whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of FREMM/LSS programme's steering committee Meeting, Navy Non-commissioned Officers' Club (Rome)

Business interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) for a business Meeting for the sale of bubble wrap and stretch film machinery, Hilton Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian / French-English) of the 4th MAP-FGM International Seminar Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting - From medicine to critical anthropology, Roma Tre University (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 16th Edition of Europe Theatre Prize and the 14th Edition of Europe Theatre Realities Prize, Palazzo Venezia and Teatro Argentina (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference Health and ageing sector investments, European funds and human resources: the post 2020 perspective in the framework of PRO.M.I.S. programme (Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute), Italian Ministry of Health

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian / Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on the European electricity market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of Office audits for FSC certification of a paper company, Ripa Teatina (Chieti)

Simultaneous interpreter respeaker (English-Italian) of the 11th National Convention of Federcongressi e Eventi Experience: a challenge for the future, MICo (Milan)

Sworn interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews for a family reunification case, Consulate of the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter respeaker (English-Italian) of the Conference of Unindustria Communicating, today it is worth it - Invest in communication and discover new tax credits, MAXXI (Rome)

Sworn interpreter (German-Italian) of a Civil case on insider trading in the electricity market, Court of Appeal (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian / French-Italian) of the Preparatory Meeting for Farm Hack Italy project, CAE Roma (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the Hearings with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives (live streaming)

Consecutive interpreter (German-English-German) of an Interview on steering systems for agriculture (over the phone)

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the FAO international Conference on hazelnut supply chain From local production to global market - Problems and opportunities, City Hall of Nepi (Viterbo)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on printers and printing solutions in the Italian market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the Speech by the President of the French Republic Macron at the U.S. Congress (live streaming)

Consecutive interpreter (German-English-German) of an Interview on healthcare software (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian / German-Italian) of the Press conference of U.S. President Trump and German Chancellor Merkel at the White House (live streaming)

Consecutive interpreter (German-English-German) of an Interview on road safety products market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the Debate on the official launch of KUDO version 2.0 (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (German-English-German) of Interviews on printers and printing solutions in the German market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian / French-Italian) of the 1st Cybersecurity Mediterranean PPP Congress (remote)

Business interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of a Training course on coining machines functioning, IPZS (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on the Italian dental implants market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of the National roundtable on financing energy efficiency of Italian buildings, Palazzo Altieri (Rome)

Whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) and simultaneous interpreter respeaker (English-Italian) of the 7th Congress of REbuild Italia 2018 Decarbonizing the building sector: platform for Italian building innovation, Congress Centre (Riva del Garda, Trent)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Witness audit for the SA8000 company certification, GIC Italia Srl (Frosinone)

Liaison interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Medical interviews on brain surgery, San Giovanni Hospital (Rome)

Sworn interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Civil wedding ceremony, Municipality of Rome

Consecutive interpreter (French-English-French) of an Interview on the European home improvement sector (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of the 27th National Convention Meetica of MPI Italia on ethics in the meeting industry, Best Western Premier BHR Hotel (Treviso)

Consecutive interpreter (French-English-French) of an Interview on the European baby healthcare products market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (German-English-German) of Interviews on parenteral nutrition in Germany (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of an Interview to the Italian seafarer associations for the German broadcasting agency ZDF (Torre del Greco, Naples)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the European luxury fashion trends (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of KUDO Global Stage Talks on ocean conservation with Massimiliano Lombardo from UNESCO Brazil (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of KUDO Investors' Pitch, KUDO headquarters in New York (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on IT and electronics leasing (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of KUDO Global Stage Talks on robotic coronary surgery with MD Gianluca Torregrossa from Mount Sinai St. Luke's Hospital (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on fixed wireless broadband network deployment (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of KUDO Global Stage Talks on climate change with Franz Baumann, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on Italian toll roads (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of EASO Practical Cooperation Conference on Bangladesh, School of the Administration of the Interior (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German) of the General Assembly of the Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri, International Pontifical College Mater Ecclesiae (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Announcement by the CEO of a multinational company to the employees (Fiumicino, Rome - San Martino, Chieti)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on automotive telematics (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the Presentation of KUDO remote interpreting platform at AIIC Italy's second informative event on new technologies (remote)

Business interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the Incoming event of foreign operators in the mechanical sector, Palazzo della Cultura (Gaeta, Latina)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of an Interview on sale and distribution channels (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) for the U.S. midterm elections: speeches by the candidates Abrams and Kemp (live streaming)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the Press Conference of U.S. President Trump at the White House after the midterm elections (live streaming)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of EASO Practical Cooperation Conference on Mali and the Ivory Coast, Roma Eventi Congress Center (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Extraordinary meeting of the European Economic and Social Committee's NAT Bureau, Palazzo Rospigliosi (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference Intercultural trends 2018 of Anna Lindh Foundation EuroMed, Senate of the Italian Republic

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the 13th Forum on risk management in healthcare 2018 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the institution of the Italian National Health Service, Fortezza Da Basso (Florence)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference of the Italian-Kenyan Trade Association at the Embassy of Kenya, Villa Celimontana (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the national Trade fair of small and medium publishing, La Nuvola Congress Center (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (French-Italian) of the Meeting of the Commission of Contracts TELT, Trenitalia headquarters (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference Strategy: shaping the future, Viscogliosi Castle in Isola del Liri (Frosinone)

Consecutive interpreter (English-French-English) of an Interview on waste management in France (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (French-Italian) of the Speech by the President of the French Republic Macron to the Nation (live streaming)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on commercial due diligence in the German automotive sector (over the phone)

Sworn interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of a Civil case on a road accident, Civil Division of the Court of Rome

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on the German fleet management market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on the German meat industry (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the closing keynote Speech by the visual artist Tupac Martir at ISE 2019 Forum, RAI Amsterdam Congress Center (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the Italian chilled/refrigerated dough market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the Meeting on the learning project of a Catholic religious congregation, Generalate (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on outsourcing services for surgical tools (over the phone)

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the Conference Circular economy in the construction sector - The construction site as control room to value material flows, Protomoteca Room at Capitol Hill (Rome)

Business interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Meeting for a helicopter purchase agreement, Radisson Blu Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 2019 International Convention of San Marco paint and coating company An Italian story, A.Roma Lifestyle Hotel (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on the discount retailer space in Europe (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the Europe Commission Meeting of a Catholic religious congregation, Generalate (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews with Alison Klayman, director of the documentary film on Steve Bannon The Brink, Cinema Farnese (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on the online trading space (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the manufacturing of medical devices (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian / English-German-English) of Interviews on the use of medical devices (over the phone)

Liaison interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of a Meeting at a notary office (Naples)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on enterprise resource planning software (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (French-Italian) of the Speech by the European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici on the occasion of the electoral campaign opening in view of the European elections 2019, Adrian Temple (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Event MO2019 MO' ti vengo a cercare in view of the European elections 2019, IED (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian / French-Italian) of EXCO2019 Job creation and innovation for sustainable development, Rome Trade Fair (Fiumicino, Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a B2B incoming event in the food industry (Terni)

Simultaneous interpreter respeaker (English-Italian) of Microsoft Innovation Summit, Bocconi University (Milan)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an international arbitration Proceeding, International Chamber of Commerce (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-French-Italian) of Interviews on the paper packaging market (over the phone)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Meeting between lawyers and shareholders, Cicerone Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Final Event of the European project Medsealitter on sea litter in the Mediterranean Sea, Villa Celimontana (Rome)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Foragri Conference Beyond nutraceutics: a perspective for the future of agriculture, Foreign Press Association in Italy (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on the drugs market in Italy (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of institutional Courses on cybersecurity (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on the drugs market in Germany (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of Interviews on label materials (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of the 28th National Convention My Story of MPI Italia on storytelling in the meeting industry, Palazzo Naiadi (Rome)

Whispered simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the Opening ceremony of the 52nd Intersteno Congress 2019, Teatro Massimo (Cagliari)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on entertainment press (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the international Conference International protection of human rights and individual responsibility: for an Italian and European Magnitsky Act, Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on parenteral nutrition in Italy (over the phone)

Sworn interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of a Civil wedding ceremony, Municipality of Allumiere (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the Testing, Inspection and Certification market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on online platforms (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of an Interview on enterprise resource planning software (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the international bar and beverage Trade Fair Roma Bar Show 2019, Palazzo dei Congressi (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the International Summer School on promotion of health and wellbeing Towards a new culture of health: changing concepts, practices and perspectives, Complex of Santa Maria della Pietà (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of INAAP Seminar ECVET for the long-term mobility of apprentices, Massimo d'Azeglio Hotel (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews with Richard Lowenstein, director of the documentary film on Michael Hutchence Mystify, at the 14th edition of Rome Cinema Festival Roma Europa Festival 2019, Parco della Musica Auditorium (Rome)

Liaison interpreter (Italian-French-Italian) of a legal Meeting (remote)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 3rd Working Table of Cantieri della PA digitale Quality of supplies: software metrics and contract development management, Forum PA and INAIL (Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 3rd Meeting for the European project SCALIBUR Leading a revolution in biowaste recycling, City Hall of Albano Laziale (Rome)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a trade union Negotiation, Italian Ministry of Economic Development

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 1st national Convention of Unioncamere (Italian Union of the Chambers of Commerce), Unioncamere headquarters (Rome)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference Hands off Pierino! - Conceptualization and effective treatments of aggression, conduct, emotional disregulation disorders and developmental impulses, LUMSA University (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the medical Symposium Functional nutrition, Courtyard Rome Central Park (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (English-French-English) of Interviews on funeral services (over the phone)

Business interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Meetings on the cosmetics market in Albano Laziale (Rome), Pomezia (Rome) and Aprilia (Latina)

Consecutive interpreter (German-Italian) of the 14th Forum on risk management in healthcare 2019 Changing healthcare, Fortezza Da Basso (Florence)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference To Caesar and to God - Church and politics in the pontificates of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, City Hall of Anagni (Frosinone)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of a business Meeting on market research, Ramada by Wyndham Naples Hotel (Naples)

Simultaneous interpreter respeaker (Italian-English) of an international arbitration Proceeding, Arbitral Chamber of Milan

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of the Convention UnConventionArt 2020 for the presentation of Sens.Us hairdressing products, company headquarters (San Sepolcro, Arezzo)

Business interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Audit for a multinational company in the automotive sector, company headquarters (Colleferro, Rome)

Sworn interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of a Civil case on labour law, Civil Division of the Court of Rome

Simultaneous interpreter (English-German) of the Vertical Security Summit 2020, Vatican Museums (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on digital tools for the medical sector (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter respeaker (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference RenAIssance - For a humanistic artificial intelligence, Conciliazione Auditorium (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on radiological practices in oncology (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on the luxus car market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on environmental services (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the pottery market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a financial Meeting, Rome

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of EXW Webinars on cryptocurrencies (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of Interviews on the European broker landscape (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of an Interview on the German bakery products market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English/German/French-Italian) of the Swiss Launch of the 2020 Global Education Monitoring Report, Swiss Confederation (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of the 29th National Convention Meet The ChaMPIons! of MPI Italia on the champions of the meeting industry (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on e-invoicing (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter respeaker (English-Italian) of the Web Talk A future to rethink? organized by Federcongressi e Eventi (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on natural cosmetics (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Meetings for film productions, Cinecittà Studios (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the European Works Council Meetings of a multinational company in the automotive sector (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the European Works Council meetings of a multinational company in the insurance sector (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of business Meetings on speech recognition technologies (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the European Meetings of an association of multinational operators in the water sector (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the European Works Council Meetings of a multinational company in the pharmaceutical sector (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (English-Italian) of the Closing Event of the Operational Program of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 2014-2020 Blue transition: lessons learned from OP EMFF 2014-2020 and strategies for the future of fisheries and aquaculture (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of CIFI's 8th Dissemination Workshop Transport of dangerous goods: risk management framework (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of a Conference on credit trends in 2021 (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an international Meeting on agritourism with Italian and Georgian associations (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) and consecutive interpreter (Italian-English) of the European Symposium on computational intelligence and mathematics, law firm (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) in comunity interpreting Settings (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Workshop Biofeedback: Biofeedback: Neurosciences at the service of health in a holistic medicine perspective (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on blood diseases (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian / Italian-German-Italian / English-German-English) of the business Conferences of a company selling health and home care products (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of medical Interviews for market research projects (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an international business Event in Dubai (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on IT services (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Open Gov Week 2021 Opening Session (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the press Conference of the film Valley of the Gods with the film director Lech Majewski (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the institutional Conference The digitization of employment services (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of the Meetings of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of S. Antonio Maria Claret (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a business Meeting on conference platforms (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Primavera dell'Innovazione 2021 From Space to Agrifood-Tech (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference Space-based innovation and digitization for the school of tomorrow (remote)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the press Conference with actor Yahya Mahayni, protagonist of the film The man who sold his skin at Rendez-vous Nuovo Cinema Francese, St. Regis Hotel (Rome)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Meeting for the presentation of a healthcare device, Military Hospital (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of business Meetings in the food packaging sector (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of B-Corp Global Climate Summit (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of of the Presentation by Legambiente of Clean By Design programme for apparel and footwear multinational corporations (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Presentation of OpenCoesione project (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on the telecommunication market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a civil proceeding Case (remote)

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on online platforms for commercial services (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the European Works Council Meetings of an IT multinational corporation (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of OECD Press conference for the Italian Economic Survey launch (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Future of Europe Conference of the European Commission (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the European Works Council Meeting of a tobacco company (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on neurological diseases (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Conference on peace education programs at the Senate of the Italian Republic (remote)

Business interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a shareholders' Meeting in the film industry, company headquarters (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on real estate development (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Meeting about law and artificial intelligence (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on genetic diseases (over the phone)

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the European Meetings of a multinational food distribution company (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the IT Course Data virtualization: technology and use cases (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter respeaker (Italian-English) of Confindustria's Connext Event (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Nexi SIA business Event (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Open Government Partnership 2021 Closing Session (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an international arbitration Proceeding (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on corporate entrepreneurship and employee empowerment (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Slow Beans General Assembly for the protection of pulse biodiversity (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on software resellers in Europe (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Presentations of new drugs against cancer (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on the coffee market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the final Conference of the European project Safe Zone on youth radicalization and violence prevention through sport practice (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a business Meeting of a market research company (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter respeaker (English-Italian) of the 13th National Convention of Federcongressi e Eventi YOLO: buiding the future of events, Treviso (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on the nursing home space (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the wine bottling market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Meeting of the Board of Governors of European Schools (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter respeaker (Italian-English) of the Presentation of Kaleidos project by Banca Ifis (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 9th safety Workshop by Trenitalia, Confindustria Congress Center (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the 3rd international Conference on fire behaviour and risk (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the used car market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of Presentations of new drugs against cancer (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on Covid19 (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on multiple myeloma (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the European Works Council Meetings of a construction machine company (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Forum PA 2022 Conference Il PAese che riparte - Insieme per una sfida condivisa on the Italian National Resilience and Recovery Fund, Confindustria Congress Center (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the European Works Council Meeting of a packaging company (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of financial advisory and business partnership Calls (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (German-Italian) of the Open Days of a pharmaceutical company, company headquarters in Latina

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of an Interview on the telecommunication market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a technical Training on printing machines, company headquarters in Foligno (Perugia)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of Presentations of medical tools against sepsis

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the Italian food distribution market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference New perspectives in peritoneal dialysis, Villa Carpegna Hotel (Rome)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of a food photography Workshop within the European project Think milk, taste Europe, be smart, Confcooperative headquarters (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the photovoltaic industry (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the final Conference of the European project INTIT - Integrated Trauma Informed Therapy for Child Victims of Violence about the challenges of caring for traumatized children (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-German) of Global Agent Excellent Contest Award Ceremony of Generali Assicurazioni in Venice (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a diplomatic Mission of the South-African police and judicial authorities for the protection of the rights of people deprived of liberty, Italian National Guarantor headquarters and detention centers in Rome

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference From a peaceful mind to a world of peace organized by Human Spirit and Lama Tzong Khapa Institute in Pomaia (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Meetings for film productions (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of SISCALT's annual Conference 2022 Totalitarianism: uses and abuses of a controversial category, Italian Institute of Germanic Studies at Villa Sciarra (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference STRIDE Registry: investigator meeting for Italy, NH Collection Vittorio Veneto Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the European Social Fund Plus launch Event for Italy, Villa Celimontana (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on accounting and business management software (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 3rd public employment service assessment Visit to Italy in collaboration with the European Commission's DG Employment (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on the European car market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on the drink distribution market (over the phone)

Whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of EUAA delegation's Visit to Italian authorities, Representation of the EU Commission / Ministry of the Interior / National Asylum Commission (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 1st Learning and Development Forum on asset targeting and recovery systems with the Financial Action Task Force and international financial authorities, Italian Economic-Financial Police School in Ostia (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the 47th EUAA management board Meeting (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of a high-level ministerial Meeting (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on the ERP software market (over the phone)

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Event European Firefighters in Rome, Firefighters headquarters in Rome and Firefighters operational training school in Montelibretti (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the European Works Council Meeting of an ERP software multinational company (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of AFSI board Meeting (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the antibiotics market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of the Presentation of a new drug against cancer, Hyatt Centric Gran Via Hotel (Madrid, Spain)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on food safety (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Forum PA 2023 Conference Ripartiamo dalle persone - Per una PA al centro delle nuove sfide on the future of public management, Palazzo dei Congressi (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Final Conference of Life Clivut European project Urban tree climate action, City Hall of Perugia

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference of the Italian Publishers Association It is easy to say Artificial Intelligence subtitled with respeaking (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the Conference How meditation changes the brain: neuroscience in Buddhism (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the digital transformation market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Workshop Italian museums - An international speech on inclusive museums at the National Museum of Rome (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on home care assistance (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on industrial production materials (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German) of the 5th International Congress of Benedictine Oblates, Collegio Sant'Anselmo (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the interministerial Meetings TSI Euroch: Combating disparities in access to inclusive education in Portugal, Italy and Spain (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German) of the Webinars NExt StEp: TRANSITION. NEw competences for workers' representatives in a Sustainable Energy Transition (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of SISCALT's annual Conference 2023 Crisis of the people's parties and new challenges since 1979, Aldo Moro University (Bari)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian / English-German-English) of Interviews on the medical products market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of Trenitalia Passenger Pole Convention 2023 We move people, we create future, Italian National Railway Museum in Pietrarsa (Naples)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the Conference Spuren der Wende im Mittel- und Osteuropa: Geisteswissenschaften im Gespraech / Traces of the "Wende" in Central and Eastern Europe: a dialogue between humanities (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of EMFF Annual Review Meeting 2023, Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 20th Meeting of EMFF Monitoring Committee (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the 33rd ICCROM General Assembly, FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of EUAA exchange Programme on pre-integration and outflow from reception with the network reception authorities, Esperienza Europa David Sassoli Congress Center (Rome) and reception centers (Lazio region)

Simultaneous interpreter (English/German/French-Italian) of the international Symposium of Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae Physical dimensions of liturgical celebrations: consequences for the sacred music in the world of technical media today, Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of Jacuzzi Dealer Conference 2023, NH Collection Hotel (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of Tenaris CEO Paolo Rocca's live business Events (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian / Italian-French-Italian) of Interviews on the cosmetics market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on hereditary angioedema (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of an Interview on renal biopsies (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of the 15th Meeting of the ELA Working Group on inspections at the European Labour Authority (remote)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of University of Amsterdam's Project IMAGINART - Imagining Institutions Otherwise: Arts, Politics, and State Transformation, Lucha y Siesta (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Meeting at a notary's office for a property deed

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference Rome. City of water. Protection, resources, future of the Municipality of Rome promoted within the framework of the Italian candidacy for the XI World Water Forum, Julius Caesar Room at Capitol Hill (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Webinar on the impact of ESG regulations on fashion and luxury brands (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German) of the International Leader Symposium 2024 of the pro-life initiative 40 Days for Life, Rome Sheraton Parco de' Medici Hotel (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (English-French-English) of an Interview on the real estate market (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the higher education market (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English / English-French-English) of Interviews on heart and neurological diseases (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on medical equipment maintenance (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a Webinar on the project Forest School in the UK. History, pedagogy and practice (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of Meetings dedicated to myasthenia gravis on the occasion of Rare Disease Day 2024 celebration (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the hair cosmetic products market (over the phone)

Whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of the Press Conference International Wine Conference - Wine Ministerial Meeting for the Counselor of Bilateral Affairs of the South African Embassy in Rome, Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the Supervisory Board Meeting of NETINERA Deutschland GmbH, FS Group headquarters (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of MEDEL Conference Immigration in Europe and fundamental rights. Which perspectives for the next European legislature? on the eve of the June 2024 European election for European Parliament (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of a Workshop on renewable energy communities within REC4LocalEU project (remote)

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of criminal Cases for the European Public Prosecutor's Office

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a closed-door high-level business Meeting, company headquarters (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the heating, ventilation and air conditioning products market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Interviews on occupational medicine in Italy (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of Frontex 12th High-Level Round Table (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of Standard Industries' business live Event (remote)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Italian National Meeting of the Catholic Action with Pope Francis A braccia aperte, Saint Peter's Square (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-plain Italian) of the virtual Conference on the European project Erasmus+ Capito! Compris! Understood! Verstanden! about plain language and accessible information for all (remote)

Consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of an Interview on the European textile market (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the 45th Congress of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine Aesthetic medicine - Image, ethics and science (remote)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the regional stakeholder working group Meeting of the European project TSI Euroch: Combating disparities in access to inclusive education in Portugal, Italy and Spain, Regional school office for Campania region (Naples)

Simultaneous interpreter (English-Italian) of TEDx Cagliari Valori: speeches by voice coach Kostis Sfyrikidis and Formula1, Formula E and Extreme E aerospace engineer Rodi Basso (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference Sustainable rivers: Bridging local and European initiatives organized by the Italian National Research Council, Temple of Adrian (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Terraevents Masterclasses on mozzarella, lemon, olive oil and pizza, Villa Zagara (Sorrento)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of Forum PA 2024 Conference Per una PA a colori - Persone e organizzazioni nella rivoluzione dell'IA on the governance of Artificial Intelligence, Palazzo dei Congressi (Rome)

Tour interpreter (Italian, English, German) of exclusive guided tours organized for luxury brands

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Meeting Innovation as a driver of development for the Italian agricultural sector within Coldiretti-SMEs supply chain agreement, Umbria Region (Perugia)

Consecutive and whispered simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Presentation of the novel The sea cemetery by Aslak Nore, residence of the Royal Ambassador of Norway (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Conference The trial by Cassation on the occasion of the visit to Rome of VCAS Dutch lawyers, Cassation Court (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of the Meetings for the construction of the Brenner Base Tunnel (remote)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of the Worldwide Salesian Communication Conference 2024 Shaping tomorrow, Salesian Pontifical University (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (English-French-English) of an Interview on the optical products market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (English-German-English) of an Interview on vaccines (over the phone)

Simultaneous interpreter (German-Italian) of Workshops on the occasion of EMDR annual Conference in Zurich (remote)

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (Italian-English-Italian) of a training Course, Central Direction of the Prevention Police (Rome)

Business interpreter (Italian-German-Italian) of a business Meeting for a multinational company in the technological sector, Exe International Palace (Rome)

Simultaneous interpreter (Italian-English) of the Conference Reform on online gaming and payment systems: challenges and opportunities, Rome Marriott Grand Hotel Flora (Rome)

Consecutive interpreter (English-French-English) of Interviews on the agriculture technology market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (English-French-English) of an Interview on the blood glucose monitoring market (over the phone)

Consecutive interpreter (English-French-English) of an Interview on the truck market (over the phone)


Province of Rome - Social Cooperative "San Michele" - Cultural Association "Enigma" - Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament - Glaux Srl - Politecnico of Turin - Historical Museum of Trent - ANGAISA - ICCROM - Trentino-Alto Adige regional authorities - Italian employers' federation Confindustria - Unindustria - Prysmian Group - Hangar Srl/RAI3 - Nyceworld Srl - European Alternatives - Di. Edit. Srl - Centro Poligrafico Milano - Franciscan Sisters of the Poor - House Experience Srl - Captions, Inc. - C.S. Events Srl - Cum Labor Srl - Forum PA - Gre.lab Srl - Campus Biomedico - European Democratic Party - Italian Ministry of Health - Trentino School of Management - Cadence Translate - AlphaSights - Global Listings - Lo Scrittoio - Hermes Production - Centrale Fies - Redaelli - Chorus Call - Law firms - TV studios - Businesses - Hospitals - Intersteno - Civil Court of Rome - Tourist bodies - Market research companies - Private individuals


City Councils in the Province of Trent - FPSM Trent - EUPOLIS - UCID - ANGAISA - ICCROM - FISM - WUWHS - MAXXI - NEXI - ENEL - ENS - Associazione Mente e Coscienza Onlus - Fiadda Onlus - ASI-ODV Association - Rome City Council - MoVimento 5 Stelle - Italian Ministry of Health - Bocconi University - Talent Garden - Italian National Institute of Health - Federcongressi e Eventi - Deloitte - Cadence Translate - AlphaSights - AI Media - Abaque - Intersteno - onA.I.R.-Intersteno Italia - REbuild Italia - Festival of Languages - Festival of Economics - Wired Next Fest - Unindustria - Confindustria - SandSIV Group - Nexi - Banca Ifis - Chorus Call - Captions, Inc. - Lo Scrittoio - Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Arbitral Chamber of Milan - Pontifical Academy for Life - Businesses - Educational centres - Trade unions - Law firms - Theatre companies - Market research companies - Private individuals